Welcome!, I am takeyoshi.  Thank you for having this blog spare precious time. A picture is expandable by click. Please enjoy yourself.


From the deck of a ship #2

It photographed in the cruise of kankoumaru in Huis Ten Bosch.

From the deck of a ship

            It photographed in the cruise of kankoumaru in Huis Ten Bosch.


The tulip of Huis Ten Bosch

This photograph is the tulip which is in bloom in Huis Ten Bosch in Sasebo.



A photograph is restoration shipbuilding of an old ship.
The place is Huis Ten Bosch.


Huis Ten Bosch from a pier

         A photograph is the scenery of the harbor in Huis Ten Bosch in Sasebo.


Huis Ten Bosch of Haikiseto back

    A photograph is Huis Ten Bosch of the theme park of Sasebo in Nagasaki Prefecture.


In a botanical garden

                 In Nagasaki Nomozaki-cho subtropical plant garden

The flower of a veranda

                          In the house in Sasebo


The flower of Fuzi

                      Photography place: Sasebo Fuzi shrine  

The flower of Fuzi

                       Photography place: Sasebo Fuzi shrine  

The flower of Fuzi

                      Photography place: Sasebo Fuzi shrine